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Hyperstack workers are modeled after Rails workers. It means you get a great developer experience by default, and if you reach out for power, we can do that too.

Hyperworker, the Hyperstack framework for background jobs, is backed by bullmq, which is a Redis based queue abstraction for Node.js.

It has two modes:

  • in-process: where all jobs are queued in the same Node process. You can use that to effectively use Node.js as a poor-man's queue system. It's OK for small-scale use cases and for starting out without dependencies. In Hyperstack we use this mode always for testing workers.
  • standard: all jobs are queued in a dedicated Redis instance, and executed by a stand-alone Node process (as many as you want). This is scalable and reliable, and doesn't need more than a small Redis instance that costs just a few bucks.

Using workers

You can import your worker class and use it from anywhere. This will enqueue a job:

// in Rails this is calculator.perform_later(..)
await Calculator.performLater({number: 42})

We await just the scheduling of the job, which takes just the time it takes to place a value in Redis.

In in-process mode, this await will wait right there until the actual job finishes.

You can always use await Calculator.performNow(..) to perform the job right then and there.

import { HyperWorker, queueAs } from 'hyperstack'

@queueAs('calculator') // creates a dedicated queue on Redis named 'calculator'
class Calculator extends HyperWorker {
async perform({ number }: { number: number }) {
return Promise.resolve({ number: number * 4 })

export { Calculator }

Checking jobs

You can check the current status of all jobs though the CLI using the --stats flag:

$ bin/hyperstack start --worker --stats
name queue active completed delayed failed paused waiting waiting-children
Calculator calculator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Downloader downloads 0 0 0 5 0 0 0

Or with the interactive portal with the .jobs command.


There are two main configuration points to note. inprocess which decides if you want to use Redis or not (set to true if you don't want Redis).

And, a Redis URL (redis://..) for the framework to point to.

workers: {
inprocess: true,
redis: '<some url>',
truncate: true, // use this only for testing

You can use truncate: true for your tests. It means that before each test, the entire Redis contents is deleted, so your tests don't contaminate each other's environment.


We also include a dedicated test framework for workers. You just say what you want to test and we boot up the app, and take care of the rest:

const {
} = test(root)

describe('workers', () => {
describe('Downloader', () => {
workers('should calculate, inprocess', async (_app) => {
const res = await Calculator.performNow({ number: 30 })

const res2 = await Calculator.performLater({ number: 30 })


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