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Models in Hyperstack mean entity classes that allow for easy database querying and writes, but also migrations and seeding.

Fat models, slim controllers

Hyperstack models are designed after active record. This means they're a central point in your universe, and every logic or operation your app has should be there.

It means that User.create creates a user but also will buy a product.

If you agree with that direction you'll get these for free:

  • Time-effective testing, because testing your model tests most if not all of your logic and moving parts.
  • Ability to run complete app workflows from tasks, or from the Hyperstack portal.
  • Effectively compose features and use cases by combining models, and nothing else.
  • Essentially, models become your app and controllers are just one way to expose your app to the world.

Example model

import {
} from 'hyperstack'
const {
} = Schema

class Article extends HyperModel<Partial<Article>> {
title: string

content: string

deleted: boolean

toJSON() {
const { title, content, deleted } = this.get() as any
return {
export { Article }

A model uses Sequelize data types re-imported from hypermodel, which is the Hyperstack abstraction for active record.

You don't have to create a model by hand. It's better to generate one:

$ bin/hyperstack g model article title:string content:text deleted:bool


After you've generated a model, you get a migration that takes care of both up and down for your database schema.

Migrations exist in config/db/migrate and you run them like so:

$ bin/hyperstack migrate


Model configuration that's available to you is exciting because it controls all aspects of development, testing, and production, with a ton of goodies, coming from production experience.

database: {
// accepts also: sqlite://[path to file]
uri: 'postgres://localhost:5432/tie_development',
// set to true in production!
ssl: false,
// true for better performance
native: true,
// if true, drops schema when the app starts. great for testing or debugging in development
// combine with synchronize: true
dropSchema: false,
// bring up schema up to date, without migrations
synchronize: true,
// delete all contents from all tables (but don't drop them). good for test mode.
truncate: false,
// automatically migrate when app starts. only migrates if needed.
// even if this is false, you can still manually migrate with: bin/hyperstack migrate
migrate: false,
// shows what is sent out to your database. great for debugging queries live.
logging: console.log,

By combining these flags, you can great different expriences to help you be more productive.

For example, we set truncate: true, synchronize: true in test mode, when test are running. This will create a fresh database set up for every test and help isolate data.

In production, you want everything turned off.


Testing models in Panam is super simple. Remember, this is where you test all of your actual logic.

import { test } from '@hyperstackjs/testing'
import { root } from '../../config/settings'
import { appContext } from '../../app'

const { models } = test(root)

describe('models', () => {
describe('article', () => {
models('should create with owner', async (_app) => {
const { Article } = appContext.models()
const article = await Article.create({
title: 'string',
content: 'some text',
deleted: true,

Use snapshots freely, and the rest is taken care of for you by Hyperstack (setting up database, cleaning up, etc.).


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