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We will use Heroku for this walkthrough (which we have no affiliation with). It's a great platform for the solo entrepreneur, developer, or lean team trying to get stuff done.

Heroku is GitOps since before GitOps was a thing, which is smooth sailing because you need to learn nothing new other than working with Git.

Go ahead and create your Heroku app following their Node.js tutorial. You don't have to actually do the tutorial, just follow the parts until you get to setting up the CLI and created a Heroku app (for free).

By the way, if you like to kick the tires and have the time, it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and do the complete tutorial to see how to deploy a Node.js app there generically.


When you create a new app you get two Docker build files for free:

  • Dockerfile - an optimized build, compiling the project and running Javascript in production
  • - this image stays within Typescript. It will install all dependencies and run Typescript in production

Build your docker image:

$ docker build -t my-hyperstack-app .

You can use this in combination with the sample docker-compose.yaml.example file that's included, to wire in your database and state.

After you created your Hyperstack app, you can use flyctl to build and deploy. flyctl will pick up a Docker build rather than a Node.js build (this is a good thing).

If you're working with the free tier, Go for the Dockerfile version (not the version) so we will build and run Javascript in production which requires less RAM and will fit.

Set up you app, but don't deploy yet.

$ flyctl launch

Now, deploy with:

$ flyctl deploy

You should see the build process kicking off:

=> extracting sha256:55371e6747e8e4327c7a293b77a6b46632f2249d0c89c79f830c4f565c53880 1.3s
=> => extracting sha256:694d6b1b2d1b452b735d925ef7912fe264d4f03c7ef77effed89d76a086dafd 0.1s
=> => extracting sha256:71f41f5ff77d8eca2e4800eb9001495106991811e45a005c4e59d967d6f4033 0.0s
=> [base 2/2] RUN npm i -g pnpm 3.6s
=> [dependencies 1/3] WORKDIR /app 0.0s
=> [build 2/5] COPY . . 0.0s
=> [dependencies 2/3] COPY package.json pnpm-lock.yaml ./ 0.0s
=> [dependencies 3/3] RUN pnpm install 22.9s
=> [build 3/5] COPY --from=dependencies /app/node_modules ./node_modules 5.1s
=> [build 4/5] RUN pnpm build 5.5s
=> [build 5/5] RUN pnpm prune --prod 4.4s
=> [deploy 2/4] COPY --from=build /app/dist ./dist 0.0s
=> [deploy 3/4] COPY --from=build /app/node_modules ./node_modules 2.4s
=> [deploy 4/4] WORKDIR /app/dist 0.0s
=> exporting to image

==> Creating release
--> release v4 created

--> You can detach the terminal anytime without stopping the deployment
==> Monitoring deployment

1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy [health checks: 1 total, 1 passing]
--> v4 deployed successfully

After finishing, it should look like this:

$ flyctl apps list
billowing-bird-xxxx personal running nomad 20h39m ago
fly-builder-black-sunset-xxxx personal running machines
frosty-frog-xxxx-db personal deployed machines

Your app should be live now!

You can use ssh to operate your app. First wire up against the machine:

$ flyctl ssh issue --agent

And connect

$ flyctl ssh console

See what's there

Connecting to fdaa:0:xxxx:a7b:abc:xxxx:xxxx:2... complete
/ # cd app/
/app # ls
dist node_modules

And you can run hyperstack on the machine itself:

$ cd /app/dist
$ bin/hyperstack
hyperstack.ts <command>

hyperstack.ts migrate migrate a database [aliases: m]
hyperstack.ts generate generate code [aliases: g]
hyperstack.ts seed seed a database [aliases: d]
hyperstack.ts routes display app routes [aliases: r]
hyperstack.ts start start a server, worker or both (default both)
[aliases: s]
hyperstack.ts portal open a portal to your app as a REPL [aliases: p]
hyperstack.ts tasks run a task [aliases: t]

--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]

Preparing for production

What you just did is to deploy Hyperstack in its development configuration. It worked out of the box even if you did not have a Postgres database because it uses a local sqlite3 database.

We can move the app towards a production set up and wire a Postgres database into it.

As always, have a quick review of your src/config/environments folder, where your various configurations sit.

  • development.ts - your development configration optimized for DX, and uses a local sqlite database
  • production.ts - your production configuration which wires in a Postgres database and sets default configuration suitable for a production scenario (such as not automatically running any kind of database migration)

To make a quick point, go over your src/config/environments/production.ts and set it to this:

const getPostresURI = () => {
if (process.env.DATABASE_URL) {
return process.env.DATABASE_URL
throw new Error(
'please set your production Postgres connection in environments/production.ts'

export default async () => ({
logger: {
level: 'info',
controllers: {
baseUrl: '',
jwtSecret: 'foobar',
cookieSecret: 'foobaz',
forceHttps: true,
gzip: true,
indexCatchAll: true,
serveStatic: true,
sendValidationErrors: false,
database: {
// recommended to use real postgres in your tests.
uri: getPostresURI(),
ssl: true,
native: true,
synchronize: false, // for a real-world project, turn this off
migrate: false, // off in production, you call migrations explicitely
dropSchema: false, // obviously don't drop our schema
truncate: false, // never truncate
logging: false,
mailers: {
send: false,
workers: {
inprocess: true, // we want to go out to the real redis instance. if you're low budget, set to true and remove redis connection.
redis: '',

And install Postgres support:

$ pnpm add pg pg-native

You can now deploy again using flyctl deploy. After deployment finishes, you'll have to run migrations:

$ flyctl ssh console
Logging in...
# bin/hyperstack migrate
{"level":30,"time":1668282093504,"pid":544,"hostname":"93123b53","msg":"models: === migrations: start ==="}

You're done!. Your app should now serve requests and save data to Postgres:

$ xh -j -b title="hello hyperstack" body="EVH rocks"
"article": {
"id": 1,
"title": "hello hyperstack",
"body": "EVH rocks"


After you've created your Hyperstack app, it should have a Procfile which contains:

web: bin/hyperstack start --server
worker: bin/hyperstack start --worker

Now, go to your Heroku dashboard, to the 'Elements' marketplace, and add the Postgres, and Redis addons (choose free). We also recommend to set up Mailgun for emails; add it through the same interface as well.

To make sure test emails will get to your inbox, you need to let mailgun know which mailboxes it is allowed to deliver to -- read here how to do that.

If you haven't moved your app to postgres, do that now:

$ pnpm add pg pg-native

And commit all changes. In production, Postgres is the default so no need to re-configure anything.


This is how Heroku will know what to run for you. Assuming your app is in a Git repo, and everything is committed, and you have heroku as the origin, this will deploy your app:

$ git push heroku main

You'll now see Heroku's own output as it deploys your app. When it's finished you'll have a unique URL for your app to play with. Your app is now ready to:

  • Use Postgres as its main database
  • Use Redis as a queue for background jobs (real background jobs that can scale)
  • Send emails such as registration and reset password emails

Database Operations

By default your database is configured to sync its structure based on your models. In production, you should use explicit migrations to bring your database structure up to date, read more here.


To run migrations in Heroku you use heroku run:

$ heroku run bin/hyperstack migrate

This will spin up a custom Heroku dyno, which will run this over your code that already exists there. It will bring your database up to date.

Looking at Data

You can actually "connect to production" using Portal:

$ heroku run bin/hyperstack portal

With a fast enough internet connection, this will feel like you're running stuff on your own machine. It works with colors and everything, but remember: it runs on the remote Heroku dyno.

Now you can query your production data. Try await User.findOne().

View Logs

To view logs, the simplest way is to run:

$ heroku logs -t

Which will also tail it for you in real-time. In addition, you can add a log indexing service addon from the Elements marketplace (for example, Coralogix has a seamless integration and a free tier -- again, no affiliation).

When you add a log indexing service in Heroku you need to do nothing more. It integrates with Heroku's Logplex, and after a few minutes your logs are there!.


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